Javascript SDK

The Javascript SDK allows you to send events, log sessions/purchases, display embedded survey pages or show a specific survey seamlessly within your web application.


You can install the SDK using npm:

npm install @pollinginc/polling-sdk-js

Or just include the following script tag in your HTML:

<script src=""></script>

// Or specify the version

<script src=""></script>


Before starting, you will need to obtain an API key from, the API key links your integration to a embed on the platform.

You will also need to provide a Customer ID (your customer), which is your unique identifier for the user on your application, we'll use this to link them to their surveys and events inside

Importing the SDK

Add the SDK to your project, if you're using JS SDK o on a simple HTML page, with vanilla javascript, you can skip this step:

import { Polling } from '@pollinginc/polling-sdk-js';

Initializing the SDK

Initlize the SDK with your API key and Customer ID.

const polling = new Polling();

    customerId: "your_unique_customer_id",
    apiKey: "your_api_key",
    onSuccess: (data) => {
        console.log("Success:", data);
    onFailure: (error) => {
        console.error("Error:", error);
    onReward: (reward) => {
        console.log("Reward received:", reward);
    onSurveyAvailable: () => {
        console.log("Survey available");

Available Methods

The SDK available methods are:

  • polling.logSession() - Logs a simple Session event for the given user
  • polling.logPurchase(cents: number) - Logs a Purchase event for the given user with the amount in cents
  • polling.logEvent(eventName: string, eventValue?: string | number) - Sends a custom event name and value - NOTE: This method is only available for Business+ plans.
  • polling.showEmbedView() - Opens the embed view popup, which will show the user's surveys (list of surveys, random or a fixed survey depending on the user's settings)
  • polling.showSurvey(surveyUiid: string) - Opens a popup with a specific survey by its UUID
  • polling.setApiKey(apiKey: string) - Changes the API key on the fly, useful if you want to handle multiple embeds with a single SDK instance
  • polling.setCustomerId(customerId: string) - Changes the Customer ID on the fly