Web Embed

Introduction to Web Embeds

What are Web Embeds?

Web embeds allow you to seamlessly integrate your surveys or app-based survey selection into your website using simple iframe code. Whether embedding a specific survey or an app (which can serve multiple surveys based on audience targeting), this feature provides flexibility for presenting your surveys directly within your web pages.

What can I do with Web Embeds?

With web embeds, you can:

  • Embed a specific survey directly on a webpage.
  • Embed an app to serve multiple surveys to users based on audience targeting.
  • Customize how surveys are loaded and presented using various URL parameters.

Plans with Access to Web Embeds

The web embed feature is available to users on the Essentials Plan and above.

Getting Started with Web Embeds

Embedding Surveys Directly

If you wish to embed a specific survey, use the following iframe code. This will directly display the survey within your webpage.

<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://app.polling.com/forms/5555555-5850-4989-af6c-7dcc0a7bc413/embed" width="500px" height="500px" title="Polling.com"></iframe>

For this direct survey embed, the following parameters are available: customer_id: (Optional) A unique identifier connecting the external user to the app. This helps track responses linked to a specific customer ID.

Note: Direct survey embeds do not support survey theming unless you change the theme for the "Default" App.

Embedding an App (Multiple Surveys)

To embed an app, use this iframe code. This will serve one of the app's surveys at random, based on audience qualification.

<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://app.polling.com/embed/268/app?api_key=app_5555555SSNkDsZFhhQmxJS8ZxtWys1CO" width="500px" height="500px" title="Polling.com"></iframe>

Alternatively, you can use the survey router option to show users a list of available surveys from the app:

<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://app.polling.com/embed/268/app/list?api_key=app_5555555SSNkDsZFhhQmxJS8ZxtWys1CO" width="500px" height="500px" title="Polling.com"></iframe>

Both the random survey and survey router options include the following parameters:

  • skipCompletedCheck: Allows users to take the same survey more than once.
  • api_key: Your app's API key, already embedded in the code above.
  • customer_id: (Optional) A unique identifier for external users, allowing you to link survey responses to user accounts or sessions.
  • platform: Specify the platform from which users are accessing the survey (in: android, ios, windows, linux, direct, other).
  • anonymous: Enable anonymous survey responses by setting this to true.
  • customTitle: (Survey router only) Customize the title of the survey list, with the default set to "Surveys."
  • customStartText: (Survey router only) Change the button text displayed on the surveys, with the default set to "Start."

Example Use Case: Job Application Surveys

Let’s say you’re creating a job application process. You can set up an app called "Job Openings" with surveys assigned to different audiences based on country and language. Using the survey router embed code, you can display a list of relevant surveys for applicants to choose from.

In this case, you might customize the customTitle to "Job Openings" and the customStartText to "Start Application" to enhance the user experience.

For example:

<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://app.polling.com/embed/268/app/list?api_key=app_5555555SSNkDsZFhhQmxJS8ZxtWys1CO&customTitle=Job+Openings&customStartText=Start+Application" width="500px" height="500px" title="Polling.com"></iframe>

Best Practices for Embedding Surveys

  1. Audience Targeting: Assign surveys to specific audiences within your app to ensure that the right users see the right surveys. For example, limit surveys to certain countries, languages, or demographics.
  2. Theming: While direct survey embeds use the default theme, app-based embeds allow you to customize themes for each app. This provides consistency in branding and user experience.
  3. Parameter Usage: Leverage parameters like customer_id and platform to better segment and analyze user data.

By following these guidelines and using the available parameters, you can ensure a smooth and flexible survey experience on your website through Polling.com.