
Embedding surveys with Polling.com allows you to integrate surveys directly into websites or seamlessly redirect respondents via direct routing links to your email or social media accounts. Moreover, you can also embed surveys into a Software Developer Kit (SDK), giving you unparalleled control over your survey embeds.

🎥For a video guide, click here to watch our YouTube video.

SurveyEmbed1a.fw There are three types of Survey Embeds:

  • Survey List: Choose this type if you want respondents to choose a survey that they want to complete.
  • Random Qualifying Survey: This embed contains random surveys that you picked during the embed setup
  • Single Fixed Survey: Choose this type if you want respondents to complete the survey of your choice.

✏️Note: Embeds can only be created if you have at least one survey. SurveyEmbed2a.fw Click here to make an embed now.