Embed Creation

Here's how to create a basic embed on Polling.com:

  1. Click “+ Create Embed”. CreateEmbed1a.fw
  2. Type the Name and select an embed type. For this example, we'll pick Survey List.
  3. Hit “Save”. CreateEmbed2a.fw
  4. You will be given several Embed Integration choices such as HTML, Direct Routing, and SDK which you can insert into your website or platforms.
  5. To start adding surveys, click “Surveys”. CreateEmbed3a.fw
  6. Hit “Add new Survey to Embed” and pick the surveys you want to include. CreateEmbed4a.fw 💡To many surveys? Use the Search box to find a survey easily. CreateEmbed5a.fw
  7. Click “Save Changes”.
  8. If you need to remove a survey from an embed, go back to “Surveys” and click “Remove” on the survey that you want to delete from the list. CreateEmbed6a.fw
  9. Hit "Save Changes".