You can sign up for free on our website. No credit card is required to get started and our free plan also includes unlimited surveys and responses! allows you to create various types of surveys, including in-product surveys with multiple question formats to engage users and gather quality feedback.
You can think of Apps as placements that represent your different applications or software. They are where your surveys will be displayed. Apps allow you to quickly update or swap out surveys without having to update any code.
A single app placement can be used across multiple platforms (e.g., Website, iOS App, Android App, PC App), and audiences for each platform will be automatically generated. You can target these audiences individually or together when showing surveys.
Learn more about apps here:
Audiences are groups of your users segmented based on specific criteria, allowing you to target your surveys to the right users. These criteria can include user demographics, behavior, and other properties.
Some examples of Audiences:
Learn more about audiences here:
Events are specific actions or occurrences tracked within your application or software that can be used to trigger surveys or segment audiences.
Using events, you can target surveys more precisely based on user actions, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of your surveys.
If you are on a paid plan and wish to see certain plugins added, contact us at, and we can help to get it added.
Yes, our advanced targeting rules let you field surveys to the right users at the right time. We have very robust targeting capabilities which can leverage ingested events, survey responses, and various user properties.
Learn more about targeting here:
Survey branching allows you to follow up on specific answers with additional questions or actions. This helps create a more personalized survey experience and gather deeper insights.
Survey branching is available to all plans including the Free Plan.
Learn more about branching here:
Support options vary by plan:
Yes, with the Standard Plan and above, you can customize survey themes with custom brand colors and custom fonts.
See more information about custom theming here:
Yes, with the Essentials Plan and above, you can remove branding. To toggle branding on and off visit Company → Details. Branding is automatically turned off when you upgrade your account.
There is no limit to the number of surveys or number of responses.
Additional team member seats are available on the Essentials Plan and up.
Learn more here:
For any questions or support, you can message us at
Yes, offers discounts. Please contact our sales team at for more information and to see if you qualify for our discounted rates.